yellowandtosca songs


Senin, 10 Agustus 2009


we're friends from JHS.. but it just about 2 of us thats: for the woman as the snake, an for the man as a crocodile.

For a long time we're cannot see. One time, the crocodile and the snake was meet. they're a verry good badger, hot (between they ya..), and many things about wild human (I'm sorry friends thats too pleonastic but that nice) :D at frist meet they're.. hmmmm.. bla..bla..bla.. then, second meet they're was to be a couple. but it just hold out until round 1 week. I never know what happend the full story 2 of they.

and now, long time they are friend. and the woman with someone else and the man to. hahahah but I was see that someon else who boy's couple or woman's couple. make they (man and woman) stoped the game. but I don't now for future.. hahha maybe they will be back or maybe friends it's the best things. hahahah

benneath it all, I want write with more pleonastic but that's enough lah..

2 komentar:

  1. Buset din, gua kaya lagi di taman safari nih baca postingan lu yang ini, HAHAHHAHA

  2. hahahha ya kan si ce licin,lincah, berbisa, mudah menipu.. tapi si co suka menerkam, menggoda.. dua2nya berdarah panas bisa diartiin agresif.. hahahah 2 binatang itu banget kan..
